Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Day I'll Never Forget

I had a friend named Kerrigan who once told me that
it was hard to eat because she had anxiety. 
I would try to feel bad but in the back of my mind
I would think, "It's easy, just eat the food"

She would disappear for hours to the bathroom during cheer camp or at dinner
Only to come back quiet and pale. 
I felt like the horrible person I was being internally
yet I stayed quiet. 

In high school, she loved everyone
And everyone loved her.
She had more friends than most people I have known through my life
always making sure everyone felt as loved as the next

I always wanted to be one
I always did feel like one, 
Yet I always wanted to be perfect, 
until I found out there is no perfect in this world

Over a year ago Kerrigan drove off of the side of an embankment, 
crushing her car 
and her frail cadaver that had been so filled with love

I got a call from my now ex-best friend 
with her haunting words saying
"Kerrigan's passed away" 
and with every slow heart beat my head screamed no this can't be happening

But it did. I have the colored scars to prove it. 
I used to think people were perfect, and if they could give so much love that they were happy. 

If I could I'd ask Kerrigan, who is now permanently laying silently in her final bed, 
while we, the imperfect ones, 
sit, stand, walk, run in her place, 
telling stories, 
raising families, 
hurting ourselves,
hurting others because this person taught us that 
Loving and giving are something that everyone should do

And we don't know how. 
And we don't want to because we aren't ready, 
We aren't ready to say goodbye to God's angel
We can't accept that everything does happen for a reason

No matter how twisted. 


In high school, I met a girl named Kerrigan, who loved to sing. 
She taught me how to be imperfect. 
And the day she left I learned that our time together 
on this earth; was indeed

Monday, September 12, 2016

The Marathon


I want to run
step by step

Lay my head down 
And rest my eyes

Forget the pain
that covers up

Being stuck in
A whirlwind of
Never ending


I am my own
Best Friend
Worst Enemy

Which will come out

The Light
My Shadow Self

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Poems From The Other Side- Angel

You are beautiful and I know on certain streets on certain blocks it is easy and dangerous for a woman to be beautiful Easy because people like beauty like to touch taste now give open legs and hearts and wallets for beautiful Dangerous because people envy beauty seek to destroy what they worship And you are beautiful it would be easy and dangerous to leave you there to only see eyes lips skin easy and dangerous to make you a body with a pussy just a face a Her to cling to in the dark and moan but I have found you beautiful in ways, that cannot be seen only felt and known touched the way children with heart and soul you are beautiful are beautiful the way hope is beautiful A sunrise from a rooftop in Brooklyn you are that kind of gold light against bricks and concrete something to believe in hold on to dream about hope for it would be easy to not see you the girl and woman underneath survival instincts underneath the hustle and street wisdom Even from me sometimes you hide or run maybe even lie about the things you've done and do to eat and rest and feel (or not feel) But I dream about you
I throw poetry at the places where you are lonely and hope it lights your way I see you Inside and out And there is not a part of you I do not like easy or dangerous right or not I like you. I give you these words to place against the parts of you that are lonely and scared hidden Hold them up to a sunrise let them show you where your true beauty lies”

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


What is safety

Is it feeling safe
I want to feel safe

But do I really

Why not let them come
Inside my sanctuary
Inside my mind

Feed off my fears,
My hopes and dreams
My sadness and horrors
They say have strength
I don’t recognize that word anymore

Rough terrain
Overtaking my steps
Every direction I go

While I lie down on a bed of nails
Each night  
Awaiting for them to pierce my fragile and tired skin
Until morning comes
Transfusing its life into me once again.
Only to hope for another torturing night  

My doomed future

My sweet dispair

Thursday, August 11, 2016

The girl who fell apart

I'm the girl who fell apart
The girl who couldn't keep her smile on.
Who wanted to be selfless by being selfish

The girl who only looked at people who were her 
Living mirrors
I'm the girl who wants to be wanted
Who needs the attention

I'm the living hypocrite
I'm the inspirer who can't hear myself speak.
I'm the giver by taking. 

I win by hate and I lose by loathing
I hate myself in an ultimate battle to love myself

I hate myself because I will never be good enough to anyone else. 
I am my worst critic

I'm the girl who loves death 
And craves it with all her blood but
Can't breath at the thought 
Of not existing 

I'm falling apart 


Silence is something I welcome 
When I lay my tired head down
Just above my burdened and aged body

Darkness welcomes my aching heart 
Into the stillness of time
Tears keep my skin smooth
As I burn from the 
Fires that are my sins

Barbed wire pierces my wrists 
Letting me know 
 "Trust no one"
The shadows whisper

I sob as quiet as I can
So to show no fear
But still keep my wrecked 
Cadaver from exploding in screams

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Safe Word

You like it rough?
Oh, honey I will give you rough
I’ll show you how to beg for mercy
How to know fear

Safe word? You don't get that.

What I say goes,
Now put that mouth to use.

How did that hurt
I barely pulled your hair
Now get on top

Is that all you’ve got
You must not want it
Then show it

Do I have to take over already?
We just started
You must not be trying that hard
Shut up, and be a good girl

But first,

Put that mouth to use.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Never Forget

They say you never forget
Your first.

You never forget the first moment
You felt vulnerable
The moment they were the world
And you weren't theirs
The times you began to second guess

Everything you were, you loved

You kept your heart  locked away until the “right” person
Came and weaved you a bed of lies and deceit
For you to pour your heart and soul into
And lay your tired head on at night

Until everything you knew and suffered
resurfaced and you are solely a gaping scar that
Burns and hasn't healed and you don't know how to trust because you find yourself always


Asking “what if?”
What if this isn't the answer
What if I made a mistake?

But you can't go back because of all the good things,
because too many good times happened.
Because you gave into the bed of lies and hurt
and betrayal until you became a cohort of destruction.

But every time you look into their eyes you can't imagine
A different future because this is you
and this is you with them
This is now and why fear life when it is happening now?
“Stop existing, and just live”

Oh right, I forgot to take another breath. It's hard to do this.


“Don’t touch that, you’ll make it worse!”

I struggle to grab and it but it slips through
My shaking fingers
I want to hold it
And pick up the pieces so that
I might be the one to put it all back together

Like the vase I broke when I was five
“That is why you don’t touch what’s not yours!”
My grandma chastises me
as I cry tears of desperation

Because all I wanted was to be elegant
like that old woman I saw
Across the room
when we had Sunday brunch.

I think of this as I stare into its cold, dead eyes
And slowly panic overtakes my frozen body as I
Plan escape from this situation

I close my eyes, my hands fall silent
And I accept its truth as mine.
I pick up what is left of my glass heart,
Look them in their burning sights one last time,
And smile for my last portrait